Company name

APE code
Manufacture of fluid power equipment

Legal representative

Design, development and hosting of the website
Agence Comevents
19100 Brive-la-Gaillarde

Photos credits
FBO - Shutterstock - Fotolia


© Copyright 2016 Comevents. All rights reserved. Text, photos, images, as well as their disposal on FBO’s website are protected under Copyright and other data protection laws.  Content on this website must not be copied, distributed, modified or forwarded to third parties for commercial use.


Unless told otherwise, all trademark emblems are protected following brandname rights.


This website was designed with the utmost care. Nevertheless it is impossible to guarentee there are no errors concerning the precision of the information. All responsability for damages, resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this website, is exclued, in the mesure where the use is not founded to be on unintentional grounds or extreme negligence.


The intellectual property contained in this website, such as patents, brand names and copyright material, is protected. This website authorises no licence to third parties to use the intellectual property.


The Client is informed about the rules and regulations that concern marketing communication, the 21st June 2014 law for the trust in the Digital Economy, the Digital and Freedom law from 6th August 2004 as well as General Regulation on Data Protection (RGPD : n° 2016-679).

1. Supervising the collection of personnal data.

For the Personnal Data collected in the context of the creation of a personnal User account and navigation on the Website, the person in charge of Personnal Data analysis can be contacted via the email address
Being responsable for the analysis of the data collected, FBO commits to respecting the framework of the applicable laws in place. It is up to the entity to define the purpose of the collected data, to provide to it’s prospects and clients, from the collection of consent, a full disclosure on the processing of their personnal data and to keep a register of analysis compliant to reality.  Everytime that FBO processes Personnal Data, the company takes all the reasonable mesures to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the Personnal Data in accordance with the aims for which it is analysed.

2. Aim of collected data

FBO is eligible to analyse all or part of the following data :
  • To allow navigation on the Website and tracability of services ordered by the user: Connection data and use of site ect.
  • To warn and prevent against fraud (spamming, hacking…): Computing material for navigating, IP address, passwords (hidden)
  • To improve website navigation: Connection data and use
  • To collect information requests from the website’s users
FBO does not sell your personnal data which is used only by nesscesity or statistical and analytical purposes.

3. Rights of access, correction and objection

In accordance with European rules and regulations in effect, the Users of have the following rights:
  • Right of access (article 15 RGPD) and correction (article 16 RGPD), to updates, to lock or delete the User’s personal data (article 17 du RGPD), when the data is inexact, incomplete, ambiguous, expired, or if the collecting, use, communication or of the data storage is prohibited
  • Right to revoque consent at any moment (article 13-2c RGPD)
  • Right to limit the data analysis of Users data (article 18 RGPD)
  • Right to oppose to the analysis of Users data (article 21 RGPD)
  • Right to data portability that Users have given, when this data is processed via automatic analysis based on their consent or under contract (article 20 RGPD)
  • Right to choose the fate of the User’s data after their death and choose who FBO has to communicate (or not) their data to via a previously designate third party.
Once FBO has knowledge of the death of a User and has no information from the person themself, the company commits to destroying their data, unless the stockage is necessary for a probative purpose or in order to reply to a legal obligation.
If the User wishes to know how FBO uses their Personal Data, ask to correct or opposes o it’s analysis, then the User can contact FBO via the following address:
FBO SAS – Délégué à la Protection des Données
ZI de Boisse - 9 rue Montgolfier
F-87203 SAINT JUNIEN Cedex

In this case, the User must indicate the Personnal Data they want FBO to correct, update or delete, by identifying themselves with a copy of an identity card or a passport.
The delete requests of Personnal Data is subjected to requirements that FBO must follow by law, in particular concerning the storage of the documents.  Lastly, the Users of can file a complaint via the controling authorities, and notabally with the CNIL (

4. Non-communication of personnal data

FBO doesn’t trait, stock or transfer any information collected on their Clients to a country outside of the European Union or any coutnry recognised as « non suitable » according to the European Comission without informing the Client beforehand.  Yet FBO is free to choose it’s technical and commericial sub-contractors under the condition that they present sufficiant guarentees in regard to what is stated in the General Regulation on Data Protection (RGPD : n° 2016-679).
FBO commits to taking the necessary precautions in order to preserve the security of information and stop it being communicated to persons who are not authoried. Yet if an incident impacting the integrity or the confidentiality of the Client’s informations is bought to the attention of the Company then the Client will be informed as soon as possible and the corrective measures taken will be communicated.  FBO doesn’t gather any sensitive data.
The User’s Personnal Data can be processed by FBO’s affiliates and their sub-contractors (Service providers), exclusively working towards the objectives of the current policy.
Within the limits of their respective reponabilities here above, the persons expected to have access to the User Data of are mainly agents from the Customer Service department.

5. Notification of incidents

Regardless of the efforts put in place, no transmissions method on the internet and no electronical storage method is completely safe. We can’t guarentee absolute security. If find out about a security breach then the Users concerned will be alerted so that the correct measures can be put in place. Our proceedures for notification of incidents take our legal obligations into account whether it be at a national or a European level.  We therfore undertake to fully inform Clients about any relevent questions concerning the security of their account and provide all the necessary information tha could help them respect their own regulatory obligations concerning reporting.
No personnal information of the User from the website will be published, exchanged, transfered, given or sold to a third party without the User being notified. Hypothetically, only the purchase of FBO and it’s rights would allow tranmission of information to the new buyer who in turn would have the same obligations of conservation and modification of data to the Users of the website

6. Security

To ensure the security and the confidentiality of Personnal Data and Personal Health Data, FBO uses network protected by systems such as firewalls, pseudonymisation, encryption and passwords.
During the Personal Data Processing, FBO takes reasonable measures aiming to protect against any loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, tampering or destruction.

7. Hypertext links, Cookies and web beacons

The website contains a certain numbers of hypertext linked to other websites, put in place with FBO’s autorisation. Meanwhile, doesn’t have the possibility to verify the content of the websites visited and won’t accept the responabilities as a consequence.
Unless you decide to deactivate the cookies, you accept that the website can use them.  At any moment you are able to deactivate these cookies for free via deactivation possibilities that are offered. This can reduce or stop all or part of the services provided by the website.
A cookie is a small piece of information sent on the User’s navigator and saved on the User’s computing device (eg. comptuer, smartphone.).  The cookie holds information such as the User’s domain name, the User’s internet service provider as well as the date and time of connection. The cookies don’t put the comuting device at risk of damage.
Potentially, FBO can process the User’s information concerning the visit of the website, such as pages consulted and search history.  This information allows FBO the improve the website’s content.
The Cookies facilitate navigation and/or supply of services provided by the website, the User can adjust their browser allowing the User to decide if they want to accept or not the Cookies to be saved on the comuting device or rejected, systematically or not, or in function of the sender. The User can also adjust their brower to accept or refuse Cookies before it is saved on the computing device.  FBO informs the User that, in this case, certain functionalities on the browser may not be available.
If the User refuses to have the Cookies saved in their computing device, or if the User deletes the already existing Cookies, the User is informed that their navigationand experience on the website can be limited.  This could also be the case if FBO or one of their service providers can’t identify the User, for technical compatability purposes, the type of internet browser used by the computing device, language and visual settings o the country from which the computing device seems to be connected.
When appropriate, FBO accepts no responsability for any consequences linked to degrded operation of the website and any eventual services offered by the website, resulting (i) from the refusual of Cookies by the User (ii) making it impossible for FBO to save or consult Cookies necessary to their functions as a result of the User’s choice. For the configuration of the Cookies and for the choices of the User, the settings of each internet browser are different. The settings are in the « Help » menu on the internet browser and will allow the User to modify the Cookie settings in any way he wishes.

8. Applicable law and juridiction attribution.

Any legal dispues with the User of the website are subjected to French law. In other cases where the law does not permit, there is an exclusive attribution of juridiction to the competant courts of Limoges.